Why is NT scan and double marker test important?

A doctor advises a pregnant woman to take an NT scan, or nuchal translucency scan, around the 11th to 14th week of pregnancy to determine the chances of any abnormalities in the baby.

The double marker test is usually taken around the same time as the NT scan for better accuracy in the results.

Difference between NT and Double marker

Although NT scan and double marker tests are done to check for chromosomal abnormalities in the baby, they also have significant differences among them.

The NT scan is an ultrasound procedure that calculates the amount of nuchal fluid in the back of the baby’s neck, which is measured in millimeters.

The results of the NT scan are usually in numbers. Any number less than 3mm is considered normal, and the baby has a very low chances of having any chromosomal abnormality.

Your test results will be available immediately after the test.

The NT test can also check your baby’s nasal bones and heart defects, if any.

Whereas a double marker or dual marker is a blood test that checks these two hormones, hCG and pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A). These are generally measured in ng/ml and mIU/ml, respectively.

The results are shown as low/moderate / high chances of having chromosomal abnormalities. It takes up to a week for your results.

When is NT scan and double marker test done?

The NT scan and double marker test are done around the 11th or 14th week of gestation, and both tests are carried out on the same day for better accuracy in the results.

IS the NT Scan and double marker test done on the same day?

It is suggested that you take the NT scan and double marker together. Make sure you take the dual marker test as soon as you take the NT scan, as the results are likely to be more accurate.

It is recommended to take the NT and dual marker test together on the same day for accurate results

How accurate is the NT scan and double marker test?

NT scan alone is around 70–75% accurate in the results, whereas when NT scan dual marker tests are combined together, the accuracy rate goes up to 80–85%.

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