If you are 12 weeks pregnant, it marks the beginning of the 3rd month of pregnancy, which is a milestone in your pregnancy. The baby is growing rapidly, and your body is undergoing a lot of changes too.
12 Weeks Pregnant: How Many Months?

When you are 12 weeks pregnant, you are stepping into the 3rd month of pregnancy and have about 7 months until your delivery.
Size of the Baby at Pregnancy Week 12

When you are 12 weeks pregnant, your baby is about 54 mm or 2 and a half inches long, approximately the size of a plum or a lime.
12 Weeks Pregnant: Mother’s Body Changes

Bump: By the 12th week of pregnancy, most women have a more prominent bump than before. But if you do not have a noticeable bump, don’t worry.
Some women might only show it when they reach the second trimester, and it is absolutely normal.
Breast Changes: Your breasts might feel fuller and more tender as they continue to prepare for breastfeeding.
Lesser bathroom breaks: Around 12 weeks of pregnancy, the uterus shifts upwards, which releases pressure on your bladder, resulting in fewer bathroom breaks.
Skin Changes: You might experience changes such as an increase in oil production, the appearance of the linea nigra (a dark line running from your belly button to your pubic area), and darkening around the nipples.
Increased Energy Levels: Many women notice a boost in energy levels as they move towards the second trimester, with morning sickness typically decreasing.
Darkening of skin: Darkening of skin, especially facial skin, is a pretty common symptom during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. It is called chloasma. It is due to the hormonal changes and the increase in melanin production in the body.
Bleeding gums: Bleeding or sensitive gums is one of the common pregnancy symptoms that is caused by hormonal changes. Most women, around the beginning of the second trimester, start to have this symptom.
Better hair and nails: Some women might also have shinier and thicker hair during this time of pregnancy. Healthcare experts also say that the nails also become stronger and grow much faster than usual.
12 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms

Reduced Morning Sickness: As you have just entered the 3rd month of pregnancy, you might feel relieved from morning sickness and nausea and can also feel more energetic than before.
Weight gain: With the growing baby, it is natural for women to put on a few kilos during pregnancy. Apart from that, since morning sickness and nausea have subsided, your cravings have increased, and you tend to be more hungry than usual. This results in eating more calories, resulting in weight gain.
Food Aversions and Cravings: Food cravings and aversions are still part of pregnancy symptoms, even at 12 weeks of pregnancy. You might crave something unusual or not end up liking the food you would usually enjoy.
Urinary Incontinence: Urinary incontinence is the leakage of urine while coughing or sneezing. Since there is excess pressure on the bladder with the growing baby, urinary incontinence is a common occurrence for most women.
Leg or Foot Cramps: Leg and foot cramps are yet another common pregnancy symptom that prevails throughout the pregnancy.
Mood Swings: Hormonal fluctuations can result in mood swings and irritability, which are the other two common pregnancy symptoms that one can experience.
Sensitivity to smell: Around 12 weeks pregnant, it is said that most women are a lot more sensitive to smell. They can smell food or other fragrances from a distance, and some women might also develop aversions to certain fragrances during this time.
Bloating: Bloating and gas are other common pregnancy symptoms that prevail even during the 12 weeks of pregnancy.
12 Weeks Pregnant: Fetal Growth

Size of the Baby: When you are 12 weeks pregnant, the fetus is around 2 and a half inches long, resembling the size of a lime or a plum.
Organ Development: The baby’s kidneys are starting to work, and they can pass urine around 12 weeks of pregnancy. The placenta is fully developed around this time, but it will keep growing till the end of pregnancy.
Genitals: The baby’s sexual organs are almost fully formed around 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Facial Features: The fetus’s ears and eyes continue to move to their final position, and the baby’s nose and chin tend to look a lot more refined than before. The baby starts to look more human at 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Skeleton formation: The baby’s bones are made from cartilage. At around 12 weeks of pregnancy, they are becoming harder.
Brain development: The fetus is starting to respond to brain signals and can move their arms and legs accordingly.
12 Weeks of Pregnancy: Scans and Tests
Apart from routine prenatal visits, an NT scan along with a blood test is performed between 11 and 13 weeks of pregnancy to detect any chromosomal abnormalities, including Down syndrome, trisomy 13, Edward’s syndrome, and heart defects in the fetus.
Nuchal Translucency (NT Scan) is an ultrasound screening that measures the fluid present at the back of the baby’s neck. Almost all babies have some amount of fluid in the back of their neck. A nuchal translucency value of anything below 3.5 mm is considered normal.
The NT scan is often combined with a blood test called a dual marker test, which, as the name suggests, checks for two levels:
- PAPP-A (pregnancy-associated plasma protein A)
- Beta-HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin)
The healthcare experts calculate the risk of abnormalities in the baby by evaluating the results of the NT scan and double marker test.
At 12 weeks pregnant, you are very close to the second trimester. A lot of women might feel more energetic and have a noticeable improvement in their overall well-being.
They might also crave more food and tend to eat more than usual. It is important to not miss out on any prenatal medicine prescribed by your gynecologist.
For appointments and consultations with the best gynecologist in Chennai, Dr. Deepthi Jammi, contact Jammi Scans at 7338771733.
The Chennai women’s clinic & scan centre is now Jammi Scans.
What to expect in 12 weeks of pregnancy?
At 12 weeks of pregnancy, you might have a slightly visible baby bump, increased energy levels, reduced morning sickness, and sensitivity to smell. Your baby is around 2 and a half inches in size and resembles the size of a lime.
Can you feel a baby at 12 weeks?
No. You can’t feel your baby at 12 weeks of pregnancy. It takes a minimum of 16 to 24 weeks for you to feel the baby’s movements.
How should I look 12 weeks pregnant?
At 12 weeks of pregnancy, some women might have a visible baby bump, while others do not. There won’t be much of a difference in your looks otherwise.
Can you tell gender at 12 weeks?
Although it is possible to differentiate the gender of the baby, it will take around 14 weeks for your healthcare expert to differentiate the gender of the baby accurately.
Is feeling OK at 12 weeks pregnant normal?
Yes. It is okay to feel normal at 12 weeks of pregnancy. Some women might not have any symptoms, and for some, the symptoms of pregnancy will show in the upcoming weeks.
Dr. Deepthi Jammi (Director, Jammi Scans) is a qualified OB/GYN and Post-Doc in Maternal Fetal Medicine. As a pregnancy ultrasound expert, she is passionate about healthy pregnancies and works towards spreading awareness on the latest diagnostic options available for parents to choose from. Dr.Deepthi has received gold medals and awards in Fetal Medicine at international and national conferences, and has appeared in numerous prestigious regional magazines and TV interviews.