What is an abnormal anomaly?
When you end up getting an anomaly scan abnormal report, it is the sole decision of the mother to carry forward with the pregnancy.
Anomaly is an irregularity, a blip on the life’s screen that deviates from the general trend. If the measurements of the fetus exceed the ideal number, it would be considered an abnormal condition.
What abnormalities can be detected in an anomaly scan?
Anomaly scan abnormal report

Despite cutting-edge technology and highly skilled medical staff exact abnormalities cannot be detected in an anomaly scan.
Some anomalies, such as heart problems and intestinal abnormalities, do not become apparent until later in pregnancy.
Some diseases, such as cerebral palsy and chromosomal disorders, are completely undetectable.
This scan gives you and your doctor comfort, but it does not ensure a healthy pregnancy or that there won’t be any difficulties.
Your sonographer/gynecologist will be able to look for the following anomalies during the anomaly scan in addition to any other issues affecting your baby’s growth and development.
Face: The 20-week scan may detect some palate problems, such as a cleft lip, but it may miss others. You will be directed to a doctor if your child has a cleft lip to talk about the surgical correction as one possible treatment option.
Head and Brain: The head’s size, shape, and structure will be examined for rare developmental problems including anencephaly, which might be quite problematic.
Heart: The condition of the heart’s valves and major arteries will be closely examined. It would be feasible to begin treatment earlier before birth if any heart problems are found.
Spine: A 20-week scan can show whether the spine’s bones are properly positioned and fully covered by skin.
Abdominal Wall: The baby’s internal organs must be entirely shielded by the abdominal wall.
Kidneys: Both kidneys should be functioning normally, with urine flowing into the bladder.
Can the anomaly scan be wrong?
Most pregnant women undergo at least one ultrasound scan during their journey of pregnancy.
Generally, the gynecologist will request one between weeks 16 and 20, or in the middle of the second trimester, to measure the baby and check for any issues.
Even while contemporary ultrasound equipment is generally dependable, a scan that displays the “all-clear” indication doesn’t guarantee that everything is in order.
A scan that generates a red signal may also be a false alarm. Results from ultrasounds are open to rendition and susceptible to human error, much like those from other imaging techniques.
Any error in interpretation is unfortunate since it could put the baby and pregnant woman at risk for unneeded interventions and give the parents great emotional grief. Around 3% of all babies have congenital abnormalities, both severe and small.
Approximately three out of every four of these will be picked up by ultrasonography. The stage and kind of pregnancy involved, however, has a significant impact on the accuracy of these tests.
As every technology has its own pros and cons, anomaly scans aren’t 100% accurate, still, it is advisable to undergo an anomaly scan as they are accurate around 90%-95%.
What to do after an abnormal anomaly scan?
An anomaly scan is performed between 18 and 20 weeks, the baby should probably be grown well at that stage, and easier for the doctor to get a clear picture of the health condition of the baby.
Just in case, if the anomaly scan goes abnormal, the first and foremost thing is to inform the woman about the suspecting or verified abnormality.
The professionals who undertake an anomaly scan must be trained to explain aberrant findings to the woman because they are likely to have a profound emotional impact.
To provide women with the prompt support they need after learning distressing news about their unborn child during the scan, there should be a medical professional on hand.
If they notice a problem, women should get a second opinion from a fetal medicine specialist or another fetal ultrasonography specialist.
Making an appointment as soon as possible is crucial; ideally, three working days in advance.
Any delay in educating women about the anomaly and its implications will distress them, thus this issue needs to be resolved.
What causes abnormal anomaly scans?
A birth defect is a physical, physiological, or chemical characteristic of your newborn baby’s body that is not normal.
The problem may be brought on by genetics, an illness, exposure to radiation or drugs, or it may not be known what caused it.
Most birth malformations have an unknown specific etiology, although some causes include:
- Inherited or genetic factors
- Infection when expecting
- Drug usage when pregnant
- Late Pregnancy
- Aberrant chromosomes
- Defective single genes
- Multifactorial
Although most birth defects are inevitable, there are some efforts you can do to lessen the risk of environmental influences.
Always remember to address your worries with your doctor and to adhere to their recommendations for screening procedures, drugs, etc.
Chennai Women’s Clinic is now Jammi Scans