If you are pregnant and wish to know the best fruits during pregnancy, you are at the right place.
Keeping an eye on what you include in your diet is essential, especially while pregnant.
Fruits are one of the most healthy foods you can consume during pregnancy, as they contain many vitamins and minerals.
There are a lot of myths and doubts floating around about the fruits that you should and shouldn’t eat during pregnancy, which tends to confuse pregnant women.
So let us discuss all you need to know about fruits during pregnancy here.
Consume the Best Fruits During Pregnancy
Here are some of the best fruits during pregnancy that are considered safe to eat.

1. Apple
Apples are highly nutritious, and they are also high in fiber content, which helps with digestion and hemorrhoids, which are common pregnancy issues that most women face.
Apples are high in Vitamin C and fiber. It also helps the digestion process and supports the immune system.
You are free to consume 1-2 apples every day.

2. Orange
Orange is one of the best fruits during pregnancy. Oranges are high in Vitamin C with iron absorption too.
You can eat one orange a day or drink one full glass of juice daily.
Is grapefruit good for pregnancy?
Most women have this doubt. Yes, it is a great citrus fruit that you can have when you’re pregnant.
You can consume any citrus fruits like oranges and sweet lime are considered extremely nutritious for pregnant women as the Vitamin C content in them helps with boosting immunity, improves digestion, helps with morning sickness, etc..,

3. Banana
Bananas are one of the healthiest fruits that are available throughout the year. Bananas fill you up so well, and they are a great snacking option for pregnant women.
It also helps prevent leg cramps and regulates your blood pressure.
Is banana good for pregnant women?
This is the question that most women ask. Yes, They are rich in vitamin B6 and potassium, thus helping to regulate blood pressure.
You can consume about 1 to 2 bananas a day.

4. Watermelon
Is watermelon good for pregnancy?
100% it is.
Watermelon is a rich source of a lot of vitamins like A, C, B6, etc.., and helps with muscle soreness and digestion.
Watermelon is also high in water content, preventing dehydration in pregnant women.
You can consume 1 to 2 cups of watermelon every day.

5. Pomegranate
Pomegranate is one of the most nutritious and best fruits during pregnancy. They are rich and a good source of iron, vitamin C, and potassium.
They also have folic acid, which helps the baby’s brain and nervous system develop. You can eat one medium-sized pomegranate per day.

6. Kiwis
Is Kiwi safe in pregnancy?
Yes, kiwi is safe in pregnancy as it is high in folic acid, one of the important nutrients a pregnant mother needs to prevent fetal defects.
It also has Vitamin C, helps with digestion, and keeps the immune system healthy.
Kiwis are known to help absorb iron, which helps provide enough oxygen to the baby.
You can consume 1 to 2 kiwis every day.

7. Berries
You can consume any type of berry, like strawberry, raspberry, etc.., as they contain antioxidants and Vitamin C, which helps prevent diseases and boost your immunity.
You can eat 1 cup of berries a day.

8. Mangoes
Mangoes are one of the tastiest and healthiest fruits that you can consume during pregnancy.
Most people wonder if it is okay to eat mango during pregnancy second trimester.
Yes, it is. But since they are loaded with sugar, you’ve got to be extra careful about the quantity you have.
Mangoes are rich in fiber, Vitamins A and C. It provides instant energy and helps with fetal development. You are free to eat one medium-sized mango daily.

9. Pear
Pears are high in fiber and help with body hydration. It also helps digestion and thus prevents constipation.
You can eat about 1-2 medium-sized pears every day.

10. Avocados
Is avocado good for pregnant women?
This is another common question that women have. Yes, it is. Avocados contain healthy fats, potassium K, and folate, which help fetal development.
You are free to consume about one medium-sized avocado every day.

Benefits of fruits during Pregnancy
There are a specific set of fruits to eat during Pregnancy that you can consume throughout Pregnancy, and they do have a lot of benefits too.
1. Nutrient-rich
When pregnant, your body needs ample nutrients for the baby’s growth and the mother’s well-being.
Eating best fruits during pregnancy adds up and helps you meet the nutrient requirements of the day.

2. Snacking option
Almost all of us crave a good snack during the day, and most snacking options available these days are unhealthy.
Pregnant women tend to have a lot more cravings than usual, and most women tend to crave something sweet.
While we all love a good bar of chocolate or a slice of cake, they aren’t considered healthy and are high in calories.
On the other hand, fruits are comparatively low in calories and have a high nutrient content, which makes them a great snacking option for pregnant women.

3. Healthy option
While there are a lot of snacking options that are available with lower calorie consumption, it is difficult to choose the one that is safe for pregnant women.
But fruits, conversely, are considered safe for pregnant women.
Of course, there are certain fruits that you should avoid during pregnancy; you can enjoy eating the best fruits during pregnancy that are considered safe.

Fruits are a great snacking option that fills up your tummy with fewer calories and also provides you with a lot of nutrients.
Ensure to carry a snack whenever you go out to avoid eating junk.
It is also advised to consume at least one fruit a day throughout your pregnancy and try to have a variety of fruits instead of sticking to the same fruit every day.
Also, every pregnancy is different, and every woman is different. So ensure to consult with your doctor about the fruits that are safe for you to consume.
Chennai Women’s Clinic is now Jammi Scans
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can I have papaya during pregnancy?
No! While raw papaya is extremely dangerous for pregnant women, you can have ripe papaya in limited quantities every now and then.
2. Is grapefruit good for pregnancy and safe to consume?
Yes, since they are high in Vitamin C and antioxidants. They help you with digestion, morning sickness, and a lot more.
3. Is mango good for pregnancy?
Yes, Mangoes are rich in fiber, vitamins A and C. It provides instant energy and helps with fetal development.
4. Can I have bananas every day during pregnancy?
Yes, since they are high in potassium and fill your stomach for a good amount of time, you can consume about 1 to 2 medium-sized bananas every day.
5. What is the best low-calorie fruit to eat during pregnancy?
Watermelon, it is. Since it has a lot of water, it is low in calories and considered healthy.
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Dr. Deepthi Jammi (Director, Jammi Scans) is a qualified OB/GYN and Post-Doc in Maternal Fetal Medicine. As a pregnancy ultrasound expert, she is passionate about healthy pregnancies and works towards spreading awareness on the latest diagnostic options available for parents to choose from. Dr.Deepthi has received gold medals and awards in Fetal Medicine at international and national conferences, and has appeared in numerous prestigious regional magazines and TV interviews.