Nuchal Translucency scan (NT Scan) is a non-invasive procedure that is usually done in the first trimester.
Is NT scan necessary during pregnancy?
It is a recommended screening but some women may skip it for a fear of knowing the risk, which is not advisory. Because knowing the risk earlier can help physicians palliate better.
Down Syndrome is the most common chromosomal disorder caused by trisomy 21 which results in mental and physical retardation of the child.
It is unlikely for any parent to be unaware of it. After all, one of the main concerns of future parents is their child’s health
What will you find during the NT scan?
Nuchal translucency is the measurement of nuchal fold thickness. The nuchal fold is just the normal skin fold at the back of your baby’s neck.Nuchal translucency that is less than 2.4mm is considered normal.Any value above this will be an indicator of the risk of Down Syndrome or any other chromosomal or heart disorders. Alongside, it also provides information such as,

Does everyone get an NT scan?
Mostly, it is recommended to every pregnant woman step ahead of care in their antenatal period.
Though, it can be optional with regard to the pregnant woman. Health care providers let down the pros and cons of the decision for a safer practice.
When asked, “Is NT scan necessary?”
The answer would be that it becomes mandatory if the age of the pregnant woman is above 35 as there are high chances of abnormalities in their pregnancy.
Other Alternative for NT Scan but these are not alternative, they are second level confirmatory test after NT, hence can you please double check
NT scan being the safer and non-invasive sonography still misses out 30% of the result on a scale of 100.
Yet, the healthcare system doesn’t let us down easily as they have provided us with a few alternatives.
Which is better : an NT scan or a double marker test?
The double marker test is a predictive test that helps screen for any risk associated with chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus.
Blood levels of beta HCG and PAPP-A are checked. It aids in providing the intensity of risk and not the abnormality.
In comparison with the double marker test, the NT scan detects 70% of the abnormality whereas the double marker test detects 60% of it.
However, if the NT scan and double marker test are combined the accuracy ranges between 85% and 90% in the detection of the chromosomal abnormality.
What if we miss the NT scan?
Is NT scan necessary? What really happens when you miss the NT scan?
NT scan is the first-trimester scan. It provides various information about the fetus in the uterus.
Though it is recommended, the pregnant woman can choose to skip it, which falls to be optional.
When you miss the NT scan, you might fail to receive prior information regarding the possible risks involved in your pregnancy, if any.
In case of late detection of pregnancy, the obstetrician will guide the mother along with other alternatives.
Is the NT scan and anomaly scan the same?
No. An anomaly scan is usually done at 20-24 weeks of gestational age.
It provides results about the fetal anatomy which makes it easier for the obstetrician to detect the abnormalities earlier.
On the other hand, an NT scan is concerned with the detection of the risk of Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities.