During pregnancy, a woman’s body goes through a lot of changes, especially the belly, as it stretches to make room for the baby.
One of the common skin changes you might notice is a dark line running down your belly, called the linea nigra.
This vertical line on pregnant belly forms during your second or at the start of the third trimester.
It’s completely normal, and there’s nothing to worry about. Along with other unexpected pregnancy symptoms such as indigestion, acne breakouts, and unusual hair growth, linea nigra adds to the list.
What is Linea Nigra?

Linea nigra is the Latin word for black line. Also known as the pregnancy line, this appears on the belly during pregnancy.
This line starts from your belly button and extends to your pubic area.
In some cases, it can stretch to the abdomen region too. This line tends to darken as the pregnancy progresses.
Apart from pregnant women, linea nigra is fairly common in newborn babies.
Who gets linea nigra (Vertical line on pregnant belly)?

The linea nigra, or belly line, is common in pregnant women. Nearly 80% of pregnant women have it.
It doesn’t matter if a woman is having her first baby or her fifth; this vertical line on pregnant belly can show up anytime a woman is going through pregnancy. However, it’s more noticeable in those with darker skin tones.
Why does linea nigra occur?

A pregnancy stripe on the belly appears due to the hormonal changes. It’s because a pregnant woman’s body naturally accelerates the production of certain hormones, such as estrogen and progesterone.
These hormones can cause an increase in melanin production, which is the pigment that gives your skin its colour.
This extra melanin leads to hyperpigmentation in different parts of the body, including that vertical line running down your belly.
Some pregnant women have a mask of pregnancy, or melasma, where darker patches develop on their faces.
So, linea nigra or the vertical line on pregnant belly is your body’s way of reacting to all the hormonal shifts that happen to support the baby’s growth.
When does linea nigra (Vertical line on pregnant belly) appear?
Linea nigra appears in the pregnant belly during the second or third trimester.

Is linea nigra permanent?

No, Linea Nigra is not permanent, and it fades away after you give birth, usually within a few weeks or months.
This belly line during pregnancy is visible when your hormone production skyrockets. So, post-delivery, the body returns to a normal pace and this line disappears.
However, if you still have a pregnancy line after delivery, consult your doctor regarding this.
Can linea nigra be prevented or treated?

You can’t prevent linea nigra when you are pregnant because it occurs due to hormonal changes. It’s a natural part of pregnancy, and you don’t have control over it.
However, exposing your belly to the sun may worsen the condition. Hence, it is better to avoid sun exposure as much as possible.
The linea nigra during pregnancy is just another change that your body goes through. It usually appears at the beginning of the second or third trimester and lasts for a few weeks or months after you deliver the baby.
This is a completely normal result of hormonal changes. If a pregnant woman experiences linea nigra during their first pregnancy, there are high chances that it will occur again in their forthcoming pregnancies.
To schedule appointments and consultations with Dr. Deepthi Jammi, the best gynecologist in Chennai, please reach out to Jammi Scans at 7338771733.
Chennai Women’s Clinic & Scan Center is now Jammi Scans
1. Does every woman get linea nigra?
Though linea nigra is a common occurrence in pregnant women, not everyone gets it. Medical experts claim that up to 80% of pregnant women have this. But visibility varies for every woman, depending on her skin tone.
2. What if I don’t have linea nigra?
Though linea nigra is common, that doesn’t mean every woman should get it. Also, not having a linea nigra doesn’t usually indicate any problems with your pregnancy.
3. When will linea nigra disappear?
Linea nigra usually occurs due to hormonal changes while pregnant. So it fades away after a few weeks or within a few months of giving birth as the hormone levels return to their pre-pregnancy state.
For some, it may take longer, but it lightens and becomes less noticeable over time.
4. Should I be concerned about linea nigra?
No, you need not be concerned about linea nigra while pregnant because it’s not linked with any medical conditions.
This linea nigra during the second or third trimester is quite normal, but if you notice any unusual symptoms or concerns about your skin during pregnancy, we recommend consulting your doctor immediately.
5. Can linea nigra cause itching or discomfort?
Linea nigra doesn’t usually cause any itching or discomfort. Yet, if you are feeling itchy or uncomfortable around your belly, it can be due to skin stretching.
Other causes can include hormone changes that affect your skin and lead to moisture loss in your skin, leading to itching. If the itching becomes intense, seek medical attention immediately.
6. Is linea nigra the same for everyone?
The appearance of the linea nigra differs for every pregnant woman depending on her skin tone.
Linea nigra appears more pronounced in women with deeper skin tones and might be less noticeable in others.
7. Does linea nigra appear in early pregnancy?
Linea nigra, or the vertical line on pregnant belly, usually appears in the second or third trimester. So, linea nigra in first trimester is less common for most pregnant women.
Dr. Deepthi Jammi (Director, Jammi Scans) is a qualified OB/GYN and Post-Doc in Maternal Fetal Medicine. As a pregnancy ultrasound expert, she is passionate about healthy pregnancies and works towards spreading awareness on the latest diagnostic options available for parents to choose from. Dr.Deepthi has received gold medals and awards in Fetal Medicine at international and national conferences, and has appeared in numerous prestigious regional magazines and TV interviews.