Can anomaly scan detect down syndrome?
An anomaly scan also sometimes called the 20-week scan offers a view of the fetus’s physical attributes such as arms, legs, face etc. It also sometimes detects any abnormalities in the fetus’s physical appearance that may have been caused due to chromosomal abnormalities such as Down Syndrome.
However, to answer the question of whether an anomaly scan detects down syndrome needs to be discussed in further detail. Yes, an anomaly scan can detect Down syndrome.
While this screening detects the vast majority of cases, some will slip through the cracks. This is why it’s critical to speak with your doctor regarding your risk factors and what you should do if you’ve been given a diagnosis of Down syndrome. Read on to know more.
What can you find out in Anomaly Scan?
This detailed ultrasound scan, also known as a mid-pregnancy or anomaly scan, is typically performed when you are between 18 and 21 weeks pregnant.
It examines your baby’s organs as well as body parts for development and it can detect certain congenital defects. In most cases, you can find out what gender your baby is if it is permissible by law in your country of origin.
Can Anomaly Scan Detect Down Syndrome?
In an Anomaly Scan, some conditions are more noticeable than others. For instance, missing or shorter limbs can be detected with one hundred percent accuracy.
Whereas, any heart condition may be more challenging to find. In the case of Down Syndrome, an anomaly scan can detect down syndrome if the baby has abnormal facial or anatomical structures, the anomaly scan may be able to pick up on it.
However, since facial and anatomical structures can be caused due to multiple reasons, additional tests and scans will be required to make an accurate diagnosis.
How accurate is an Anomaly Scan for Down Syndrome?
There are several ultrasound features that can be noticed to confirm Down Syndrome. However, you need to know for a fact that an anomaly scan cannot scan for all chromosomal abnormalities. Therefore reducing the accuracy of using anomaly scan to detect down syndrome to 50%.
To diagnose a chromosomal abnormality, such as down syndrome, fetal cells must be examined under a microscope. As a consequence, chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome can not be detected using ultrasound.
Do you need additional tests to confirm Down Syndrome in ultrasound?
The direct answer is – Yes.
In order to make a confirmed diagnosis, your healthcare provider will administer additional blood tests and ultrasounds. This offers a wider range of information about the fetus thus allowing the doctor to make a better-informed diagnosis.
What are the signs of Down Syndrome in an ultrasound?
Some of the most common markers for a baby with Down Syndrome that are noticeable during your 20-week anomaly scan include dilated brain ventricles, increased back of neck thickness, as well as an abnormal artery to the upper extremities which increases the chance by three to four folds, and an absent or small nose bone which increases the risk six to sevenfold.
Other signs include flat facial features, a small head, and ears.
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