What is NT Scan?
An NT scan is important during pregnancy. It checks the measurement of nuchal translucency fluid behind the neck. Let’s dive into this post further and learn more about the NT scan time duration and its procedure in detail.
What is NT Scan Time Duration?
The NT Scan time duration is just 20-30 mins. While there are several different types of NT scan techniques, they all involve measuring the fluid to determine the risk of having a child with a chromosomal defect. But all of them are relatively simple procedures.
Should you take an NT Scan?
Prenatal screening for chromosomal abnormalities is something that all pregnant women should consider. The older you are when you get pregnant, the greater your chances of having a baby with a chromosomal abnormality. However, anyone can have a baby with chromosomal abnormalities, so prenatal screening is offered to everyone regardless of age.
There are several different types of prenatal screening tests available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Some women choose not to have any tests at all, while others opt for diagnostic tests such as chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis, which can provide more definitive information about their baby’s health.
How is NT Scan done?
A nuchal translucency (NT) ultrasound is a special type of ultrasound used to measure fetal nuchal translucency, which is the clear space in the tissue at the back of a baby’s neck.
The sonographer will apply a transducer (wand) to the outside of your stomach to measure your baby from crown to rump and check that the fetal age is accurate. Then he or she will locate the nuchal fold and measure its thickness on the screen.
Those measurements, plus your age and baby’s gestational age, will be entered into an equation that calculates the probability of a chromosomal abnormality. Although this number can’t give you a definitive diagnosis, it can help you decide whether you want to undergo diagnostic testing.
What can cause delays in NT scan results?
Your baby not being in the right position – This is a common problem that you have almost no control over. If the baby is not positioned in a way that allows the lab technician to get the best possible angle for the scan, you may have to wait until the baby readjusts itself inside the womb.
Worry not if your baby just doesn’t seem to be in the mood for a scan, there are a few ways to help you make your baby get into the right position

The NT scan is a simple non-invasive procedure that does not take more than 30 minutes of your time ( a few hours if you include prep time and travel ).
But it is a scan that can help you determine if your baby is healthy, and find out any abnormalities very early on in the pregnancy so that you have the best shot at helping your baby live a happy and normal life, even if you find at any abnormalities after the test.
Chennai Women’s Clinic is now Jammi Scans