1. Almonds
Almonds have a great nutritional source.
It contains calcium, magnesium, protein, riboflavin, and vitamin E all of which play a vital role in the neural development of the fetus.
Almonds are also rich in fiber, and monounsaturated fatty acids which help in the unborn baby’s growth development during pregnancy.
Almond benefits in pregnancy
- Helps in growth and brain development in babies.
- Reduces low-density lipids(LDL) I,.e bad cholesterol and prevents thrombosis.
- Helps in the development of the skeletal system in babies and strengthens the bones in pregnant women.
- It plays a vital role in preventing heart disease.
- The vitamins and minerals in Almonds help in boosting up immunity.
- Regulates and controls blood pressure and thus prevents pre-eclampsia in pregnant women,
- It keeps pregnant women energized and healthy for an entire day. The abundant protein source in almonds helps in promoting foetal growth.

2. Pistachio
Pistachio is a great tasty and salty nut.
It provides an enormous amount of energy and nutrition to pregnant women.
Pistachio contains fiber, monounsaturated fatty acids, copper, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and copper ores.
It helps in strengthening the baby’s skeletal, and muscular development and also helps in increasing the baby’s weight.
Pistachio increases immunity in pregnant women which in turn reduces bad cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels.

3. Cashew
Cashew provides maximum nutrition and energy for pregnant women.
It contains calcium, zinc, phosphorus, folic acid, iron, fiber, magnesium, and vitamin K.
Cashew plays a vital role in digestion and helps in constipation which is a major complaint in pregnancy due to hormonal changes.
It has an excellent source of iron which helps in preventing anemia which is another common complaint during pregnancy and it also helps in increasing the levels of hemoglobin.
Cashew is rich in calcium and magnesium which helps in bone and joint strengthening in both the mother and the baby.
It also helps in strengthening the gums and teeth.
Vitamin K in cashew prevents thrombosis. It prevents blood clotting and regulates blood flow to the foetus via the umbilical cord.

4. Walnuts
Walnuts are great quick bites for appetite loss and a major ingredient for many sweets.
It contains a great amount of omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, fibre, and proteins.
High amounts of omega-3 fatty acids help in brain development and eye development in unborn babies.
Walnuts help in maintaining blood pressure and cholesterol levels during pregnancy which again prevents preeclampsia in pregnant women.
It helps in regulating mental health and provides good sleep and walnuts play an important role in maintaining weight gain during pregnancy.
Walnuts help in regulating blood sugar levels and prevent gestational diabetes. It also improves body metabolism.

5. Peanuts
Peanuts are the best healthier snack for pregnant women.
Peanuts are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, folate, folic acid, and proteins.
Peanuts have abundant folate and folic acid which helps in fetal growth.
The Oleic acid in peanuts plays a vital role in preventing heart problems .
It helps in increasing weight gain during pregnancy and provides great energy for pregnant women.
Anything in moderation is good, avoid it if you are allergic to peanuts.

6. Raisins
Raisins also known as kishmish, are a great source of iron and dietary fiber.
Eating raisins daily will easily match the daily iron requirement of a pregnant woman and prevents anaemia.
It also helps in water absorption and aids in easy digestion which also prevents and reduces constipation.
This dry fruit is not only healthy but also tasty and can be consumed as such or along with various foods in Indian meals.
Overnight-soaked raisins can be taken in the morning along with the water which helps to fight constipation.
Raisins are the best option to fulfill pregnancy cravings in a healthier form.

7. Fig
Fig contains an enormous amount of calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus for daily needs.
Fig is a great source of fiber owing to reduced constipation in pregnant mothers.
The folic acid in figs helps in fetal growth and development.
It also reduces and relieves morning sickness during pregnancy.
Figs are a great source of iron which prevents anemia.
If a pregnant mother consumes 1 cup of fig juice per day, it provides 10% of the iron requirements in her daily needs.

8. Apricots
Apricots contain fiber, vitamin A, copper, and vitamin E.
Since apricots are rich in fiber it helps in digestion and reduces constipation during pregnancy.
It plays an excellent role in boosting up immunity in pregnant mothers.
Apricots also enhance and strengthen the organs and muscles which helps in the smooth functioning of organs.
Gestational diabetes is one of the major complaints among pregnant women.
Apricots play a significant role in maintaining blood sugar levels and thus prevent gestational diabetes.
Apricots have abundant health benefits for both the pregnant mother and the baby and stand as best among dry fruits.
It can be consumed as milkshakes along with cereals and sweeteners which is a tastier and healthier option.

9. Dates
Dates play a vital role during the delivery process and help to overcome and avoid the risks during the delivery.
Uterus health during pregnancy is more important and it is a massive factor in ensuring a smooth delivery for a baby.
Dates help in boosting muscle growth, particularly around the uterus area.
It also ensures safe childbirth and helps to reduce postpartum bleeding in mothers.
Dates contain high sources of Magnesium and it is suggested for constipation, gut health regulation, and anemia.
Dates are the best option that satisfies the daily requirements of the body and also satisfies the pregnancy cravings as a sweet tooth option.

Benefits of Consuming Nuts and Dry Fruits During Pregnancy
Consuming Nuts and Dry fruits during pregnancy provides great health benefits.
The minerals and vitamins present in nuts and dry fruits help in promoting strong healthy bone and tooth growth for the pregnant women and the baby.
Dry fruits and nuts contain a rich nutritional profile of vitamins, minerals, and amino acids which plays a significant role in a healthy pregnancy.
Nuts and dry fruits are rich sources of vitamins like C, B1, B9, K, and E and minerals like calcium, magnesium, zinc, and potassium all these help pregnant women to meet their daily nutritional requirements and also pave the way for a smooth and safe delivery.
Constipation during pregnancy is a major problem for pregnant women due to hormonal changes in pregnancy.
The nuts and dry fruits are edible and naturally rich in fibre content
It plays a vital role in maintaining the muscle growth of the uterus which is a predominant factor for smooth delivery.
Nuts and dry fruits contain bioactive compounds such as phenols, carotenoids, and phytosterols which acts as antioxidants and anti-inflammatory which enhance and boost the natural immune defense mechanism.
- Adding nuts and dry fruits in daily diet iron intake. Generally pregnant women need 27 mg of iron per day, having these nuts and dry fruits provides almost the level of daily requirement of iron and prevents anaemia.
- Nuts and dry fruits play a vital role in brain development of the babies.It has rich sources of DHA and copper (eg: apricots and dates have 0.11 mg per 1 oz of copper ,13% of daily requirements).
- The vitamins and minerals in these nuts and dry fruits keeps the pregnant women energised and active throughout the day.
- Nuts and dry fruits help in reducing the level of low density lipids and help to maintain and reduce the blood pressure.
- The vitamins and minerals in these nuts and dry fruits keeps the pregnant women energised and active throughout the day.
- It plays a significant role in growth and development of the skeletal and nervous system of the unborn baby
- Nuts and dry fruits provide great energy which helps during the time of labour and also acts beneficially by reducing postpartum blood loss in pregnant women.
- It also prevents asthma and breathlessness for babies at the time of labour.
How much a woman can consume nuts and dry fruits during pregnancy?
Compared to fresh fruits, dry fruits and nuts have more calories.
During pregnancy, every woman must have extra care in their food intake.
They should have foods with a high nutritional value that act beneficially throughout their pregnancy.
At the same time taking in more quantities per day is also not recommended.
The number of nuts and dry fruits per day should not exceed more than 100 grams.
For example, a pregnant can have 4-7 almonds, 4 walnuts, 2 dates, and 8 pistachios per day is advisable.

Dry Fruits During Pregnancy Trimesters

A. Nuts and Dry Fruits During Pregnancy : First Trimester
Consuming dry fruits and nuts during the first trimester helps in enhancing the brain development and memory skills of the baby.
It also provides daily nutritional requirements for pregnant women.
Dry fruits are the best snack for a sweet tooth during nausea in the first trimester.
B. Nuts and Dry Fruits During Pregnancy: Second Trimester
It is better to take dry fruits and nuts in moderation during the second trimester.
Since Dry fruits and nuts are high in calories and sugar levels, taking in excess amounts can cause weight gain.
Consuming a handful of dry fruits or nuts is advisable.
C. Nuts and Dry Fruits During Pregnancy: Third Trimester
Consuming dry fruits and Nuts during the third trimester helps pregnant women with various benefits.
Nuts and Dry fruits play a major role at the time of labor and help in reducing postpartum bleeding.
Nuts and dry fruits also help in the regulation of melatonin production, and induce sleep in pregnant women.
Pregnant women must be active and healthy.
They should eat more nutritious foods which help in satisfying their daily nutritional requirements.
Pregnant women must know about the benefits of consuming nuts and dry fruits during pregnancy.
For more details and advice, do consult with your doctor.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Does dry fruits and nuts cause digestive issues?
It depends on the quantity u consume. If dry fruits and nuts taken in excess amounts cause digestive issues. Consuming in moderation provides various benefits.
2. When can I start adding dry fruits and nuts to my diet during pregnancy?
You can start adding dry fruits and nuts from the first trimester itself. Consuming nuts and dry fruits earlier helps in brain development of the baby.
3. Can I consume peanuts during pregnancy?
Yes, you can consume and it provides rich sources of folate and folic acid which helps in fetal growth. Avoid in case you’re allergic to peanuts.
4. How can I add dry fruits and nuts to my daily pregnancy diet?
You can add in various forms like salads, milkshakes, nut butters in sandwiches etc. It is a great healthier snack option during pregnancy. Taking in moderate amounts is advisable.
5. How many dry fruits and nuts should I eat daily?
You can have a handful of dry fruits or nuts per day. The quantity of dry fruits and nuts should not exceed more than 100 grams per day. For example, you can have 4-7 almonds, 4 walnuts, 2 dates, and 8 pistachios per day.
6. Can I eat walnuts during pregnancy?
Yes, you can eat walnuts which help in the brain development of the baby and also help in maintaining blood sugar levels in pregnant women during pregnancy.
Any Side Effects And Risks Of Consuming Nuts and Dry Fruits during Pregnancy?
- Consuming more quantity of nuts and dry fruits during pregnancy can lead to weight gain because it contains high calories. Pregnant women should always strike a balance and not overindulge. Taking dry fruits and nuts in moderation is advisable.
- Dry fruits have more sugar than fresh fruits and also have low content when compared to fresh fruits. Taking in more amounts causes weight gain and diabetes.It is advisable to take dry fruits and nuts along with fresh fruits in a balanced form.
- Dry fruits and nuts consumed in excess cause digestive issues and can cause side effects like bloating, stomach pain, diarrhea.
- Since dry fruits and nuts are high in sugar, taking in excess amounts can cause tooth decay in pregnant women.
Precautions To Take While Consuming Nuts and Dry fruits During Pregnancy
- Avoid dry fruits with preservatives and added sugars .Sulphur dioxide ,a preservative used in dried fruits to look good, is a dangerous carcinogen that causes allergies and respiratory issues.
- Better to buy organic nuts and dry fruits during pregnancy, which are free from harmful factors.
- It’s better to choose sun-dried fruits instead of processed ones that contain Acrylamide toxin, a factor that affects the nervous system and fertility.
- Store the nuts and dry fruits in airtight dry containers or keep in the refrigerator to prevent mould formation.
- Avoid discoloured dry fruits and always check the expiry of the product before consuming
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