Pregnant mothers especially the first time moms have so many doubts and questions about what to do and what not to do during pregnancy.
Whether or not to use an Indian toilet during pregnancy is such a doubt that most women have.
Is it safe to use Indian toilet during pregnancy?

Yes. It is safe for most women to use Indian toilets during pregnancy. But if your doctor has asked you not to strain much or to avoid using Indian toilets, then it is recommended to refrain from using them.
Benefits of using Indian toilets during pregnancy
There are various benefits of using Indian toilets during pregnancy including:

Strengthens the pelvic muscle: Since a pregnant mother must squat down in order to sit in an Indian toilet, it helps expand and strengthen the thighs and the pelvic muscles.
Pelvic muscle strength can help with vaginal delivery, and it can also help with post-delivery healing processes.
Clears the rectum: It is easier for the body to excrete stool when sitting in a squat position or when using an Indian toilet.
It can help clear the rectum well when compared to western toilets. This position also helps those suffering from constipation during pregnancy.
Reduces the risk of UTI: Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is common for pregnant mothers. It is said that using Indian toilets can potentially reduce the risk of UTI when compared to western toilets.
This is because, with Indian toilets, there are zero chances of our private parts touching the toilet compared to western toilets.
Precautions to follow while using Indian toilet during pregnancy

Wear proper footwear: Since there are chances for the bathroom to be wet, ensure to wear proper footwear that provides grip and keeps you safe from skidding.
Ventilation and light: Make sure the bathroom has good ventilation and has good light to make sure you are safe.
Clean the toilets often: Pregnant women are prone to UTI and other infections. So it is suggested to clean the toilets frequently.
Handrails: If possible, try installing handrails that are specifically available for toilets on the sides to ensure comfort when getting down and getting up from the toilet.
Who should avoid using Indian toilets during pregnancy?
Although it is safe for most pregnant women to use Indian toilets during pregnancy, it might not be the case for some.
For those with dizziness, high-risk pregnancies or those who have any specific conditions, please talk to your gynecologist before using Indian Toilets.
It is also recommended to stay away from Indian toilets if your doctor has specifically asked you to or if you are on bed rest.
For appointments and consultations with the best gynecologist in Chennai Dr. Deepthi Jammi, Contact Jammi Scans at 73387 71733.
Chennai women’s clinic is now Jammi Scans
Dr. Deepthi Jammi (Director, Jammi Scans) is a qualified OB/GYN and Post-Doc in Maternal Fetal Medicine. As a pregnancy ultrasound expert, she is passionate about healthy pregnancies and works towards spreading awareness on the latest diagnostic options available for parents to choose from. Dr.Deepthi has received gold medals and awards in Fetal Medicine at international and national conferences, and has appeared in numerous prestigious regional magazines and TV interviews.