Let’s study more about MSF in follicular study, and what MSF in the ovary means in this blog.
What is MSF?
MSF refers to multiple Small follicles. This is often a crucial area of study when trying to get pregnant, as it is the number of follicles in your ovaries that will convey to the fertility specialist your fertility status.
Usually, there are a lot of small follicles in a woman’s ovaries. These follicles are sacs that contain fluid and an undeveloped egg.
The eggs and the follicles develop during your menstrual cycle.
One follicle matures, and an egg is released from the alternate ovary every month, which is called ovulation.
MSF in Ovary?
MSF in Ovary means you have multiple small follicles in your ovaries.
The dominant follicle won’t develop in because of so many small follicles in the ovaries.
As a result of this, ovulation doesn’t happen, and pregnancy is not possible.
In such a condition, your healthcare provider will examine the other ovary for the dominant follicle during the follicular study.
MSF in follicular study
MSF in follicular study means multiple small follicles in either one of your ovaries.
If MSF is found in the follicular study, the fetal medicine expert studies your ovaries on alternate days from day 10 to day 18 of your menstruation cycle.

The dominant follicle has been examined and its growth has been noted, The injection will be given on alternate days to promote the growth of the follicle.
And an HCG-trigger injection is given to the patient to cause the dominant follicle to rupture and release the egg.
When the egg is released, the doctor suggests that you engage in that you have intercourse during that period in order to increase your chance of conceiving.
Quality of the Eggs
A woman’s age and lifestyle determine the quality of the egg.
The quality of a woman’s eggs decreases as she ages, especially after the age of 35, and most women will be unable to conceive naturally by their mid-40s.
Unfortunately, you cannot test the quality of your eggs.
What size is MSF?
The size of the MSF usually ranges from 2 to 5 mm, while the larger ones are somewhere between 6 and 9 mm.
The size of the dominant follicle is between 18 and 20 mm, which means that it is ready to release the egg.
Is it possible to get pregnant with MSF?
Yes, with the help of follicular tracking and the required treatments, your fetal medicine expert can guide you to getting pregnant.
Yes, your healthcare provider can help you get pregnant using follicular tracking and the necessary treatments.
Injections will be given to induce the growth and rupture of the follicle to support natural ovulation.
During your fertility treatments, you will be given medications to stimulate your ovaries to produce more eggs. Ovarian follicle monitoring is part of the fertility treatment process.
Several pelvic ultrasound scans will be performed during the stimulation phase to ensure that the medication dosage is correct and that you are ready for egg collection.
This includes counting and measuring the number and size of follicles on each ovary.
You will receive a hormone trigger injection to promote the release of mature eggs that have been held in your follicles.
The egg collection procedure is to occur roughly 36 hours after your trigger injection in order to collect your eggs at the best possible time.
The egg collection procedure takes place 36 hours after your trigger injection. This helps in collecting your eggs at the optimal time.
The mature eggs will be taken to the lab after being collected, where they will be fertilized with sperm to create embryos.
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